Artist and writer residency

Beginning in 2024 we will be hosting an ongoing residency for artists and writers in Vienna, Austria.

Tim Wilson

Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Tim Wilson

Tim Wilson's paintings are figurative, naturalistic, and imbued with a heightened sense of their materiality. Wilson takes the seemingly banal and everyday as his subject, asking us to pause and give attention to these neglected glimpses of everyday life. Depicting transitional spaces such as staircases, foyers, and motel rooms, we are given snapshot-like impressions of views that are highly subjective to the artist and yet do not feel unfamiliar to the viewer. With a bluntly applied saturated color palette, at times brushed with a softly blurred touch, his paintings evoke a dreamlike quality; as he describes it, "I'm attempting to construct a transcendental hearth for the viewer." Through the coming together of a photographic or filmic framing and a painterly mix of sfumato and alla prima, Wilson creates an image-world that makes visible the magic and timelessness of the mundane.

Tim Wilson (b. 1970, Newport News, Virginia) currently lives and works in Brooklyn, New York. He holds an MFA from Yale University School of Art and a BFA from Virginia Commonwealth University. Wilson has been awarded several residencies, including at Sol LeWitt Studio in 2019, and is represented by Nathalie Karg Gallery in New York. His work has also been reviewed in such publications as Artforum, The New Criterion, and The Brooklyn Rail.

Current Residents:

Charlie Stein Profile
Charlie Stein

Photo: Dale Grant

Charlie Stein

(German, b. 1986) lives and works in Berlin. She holds a postgraduate and graduate degree in Fine Art from the State Academy in Stuttgart, Germany. Furthermore, Stein holds a graduate degree in Social Sciences and English at the University of Stuttgart, and has taken courses in Chinese culture and economics at the Tongji University in Shanghai. Stein works as a guest lecturer for the School of Digital Innovation Berlin and has given lectures at Pratt Institute in New York, E-Artsup-Paris and led the seminar "Painting in the Context of Contemporary Art" in 2022 at the HfBK Hamburg. In her work Charlie Stein deals with dominant cultural aesthetics questioning existing modes of perception within the context of a highly digitized, visually overstimulated world. Her material is gathered through extensive research and translated into drawings, installations, sculptures, paintings and text. Her focus lies on social structures, digital media and contemporary forms of communication.

Note: all residencies are by invitation,
please do not send unsolicited applications

Forthcoming Residents: