We are a small team, and this is very much our (beloved) side gig—so there is a high probability we will not have time to read or reply to all email. But if there’s a collaboration or something else that piques our interest then we’ll get back to you.
For galleries! Painting Diary isn’t about press releases, so please, do not send us copy-and-paste PR. But we’re always open to speaking IRL or via a call.
For Artists! We sincerely want our collaborators to move slowly through the world and to take time to write, paint, and develop conversations around painting. For that reason, please don’t send unsolicited email—if we see a painting IRL that we love, we’ll write about it.
info (at) paintingdiary.com
Organisation: Painting Diary | Accounts: Ferry Road, Christchurch, 8023, New Zealand | Website: paintingdiary.com